A product by Ubervita
Our Findings:
Positives | Negatives |
Review Overview – What does Ubertest do?
Ubertest is claimed to be a highly rated all natural testosterone booster for me. It has received an incredible amount of reviews on Amazon.com and at a brief glance looks like a wise investment.
However, the main concern is… Are these Amazon reviews legit? Because you’ve got to admit, this kind of popularity is impressive.
In short. No. Ubervita was recently outed by one of their reviewers, showing how they were attaining so many positive reviews. And it all started with this mailing offer:
It was explained that in the offer – you could have an Ubervita product FOR FREE – if you wrote a good review about it on amazon. Ubervita was not the only company partaking in this ‘gaming of the system’ it’s sister companies Eden Ponds Labs and Spyder Nutrition who all have the same owner where pulling similar stunts.
We highly recommend you pay no heed to the reviews and focus solely on the product and it’s contents.
But what exactly does Ubertest do? Well, according to their marketing, Ubertest:
- Boosts testosterone in just three days
- Increases energy and mood
- Maintains optimal T levels
We’re going to have to disagree with that first point, most T-boosters worth their salt can’t make those kind of changes until at least a few weeks have passed. A lot of this product comes across as very suspicious.
How does Ubertest work?
Now we’re getting to the good stuff. What kind of ingredients are in Ubertest?
Honestly, not great ones – this entire product is ran by proprietary blends. Proprietary blends are one of the worst things to happen to the supplement industry – by combining ingredients into one measured ‘formula’ the company does not have to list how much of each individual ingredient went into the product.
This is a great way for the company to save money by filling their product up with cheaper ingredients, and only using small amounts of the more expensive and effective components.
Let’s have a closer look at the damage:
To be brutally honest. A lot of these ingredients are just straight up unproven testosterone boosting ingredients. As we already know there is a shady operation going on at Ubervita, let’s just focus on the main players that could actually make a difference.
Saw Palmetto – This is used by quite a few T-Boosters. It is a mix of fatty acids, but is however, not effective for raising T levels. The area it makes a mild difference is in the suppression of prostate growth in men.
Caffeine Anhydrous – A stimulant – and in this case a cheat. Caffeine is great for giving energy boosts due to it’s stimulating nature – and this product is claiming to raise energy and mood. They want you to believe it’s because the product is raising your testosterone, when actually it’s just this ingredient going to work on you.
Tribulus – Another nutrient that is commonly thrown into most testosterone boosters – unfortunately, tribulus doesn’t actually raise testosterone. It has been seen to mildly raise libido, but apart from that this is another useless addition to this T-Booster.
DHEA – So far one of the only ingredients in this blend to have any effect on testosterone production, although it’s effectiveness has been seen to be constantly unreliable. DHEA helps promote ‘youthfulness’ in some people. In terms of boosting testosterone, DHEA has only been able to do so in a handful of cases. There’s not enough evidence to measure it’s reliability or effectiveness.
L-Arginine – Valid for boosting Nitric Oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide helps with the dilation of blood vessels, and promotes circulation in the body. This can help with problems like erectile dysfunction – but has no effect on the levels of testosterone in the body.
A lot of the ingredients in this product were pointless, things like Capsicum are more suited toward weight loss pills due to their ability to raise body tempreature. It seems like Ubertest is trying to simulate the effects of having higher testosterone, without actually raising the T or helping the user in the long term. Ubertest is a much more of placebo than it is an actual T-Booster.
If you want to see the real T-Boosting ingredients. Check out our page on the current top testosterone boosting ingredients on the market in the link below:
Click Here for Our Top Choices for T Booster Ingredients!
-Complete with clinical studies and their functions against Low T-
Okay, so how do I take it?
Ubertest is suggested to be taken in single capsule servings three times a day. Contrary to the product’s ingredients, the serving dosage is something Ubervita seem to have got right. Taking a testosterone booster anywhere around 3 – 4 servings a day is a great way to boost testosterone levels (given the ingredients are effective).
Is it dangerous, are there side effects?
No, not with this product. In fact, it shouldn’t really have much effect at all, given it’s choice of ingredients. It is a safe bet… but a lousy supplement.
Is there anything better out there?
There is. Plenty of products out there dwarf Ubertest in terms of capabilities. They use a wide range of effective testosterone boosting ingredients that suppress estrogen, raise natural testosterone and increase the amount of overall available testosterone in the body. See our line up of the current highest rated products in the link below:
-Click Here to See Our Top Natural Testosterone Boosters-
Ubervita Ubertest Review Conclusion
After reviewing the evidence, this is one of the worst products we’ve ever reviewed. Ubertest does not only have extremely suspicious positive reviews, but it also had the cheek to include a wide array of ineffective ingredients. It seems like a money making effort rather than an aid to help guys raise their testosterone.
There are no details into how much of each ingredient has gone into this product, how are we supposed ot know how effective this is under a proprietary blend?
Their serving schedule, however, is on point, I believe this is more coincidence than actual research into raising testosterone.
We do not recommend this product to boost testosterone.