On Point Supplements Overwatch Review

A product by On Point Supplements


Positives Negatives
  • Contains D-Aspartic Acid
  • Ineffective Ingredients
  • Poor Serving Schedule
  • Under-dosed

Review Overview – What does On Point’s Overwatch do?

on-point-overwatch-reviewOverwatch is a testosterone booster from the guys at On Point which is claimed to help:

  • Improve Muscle Mass
  • Increase Energy
  • Enhance Libido

But we’re not so convinced.

Although claimed to be formulated by members of both police and military backgrounds – that doesn’t make them supplement experts.

We took a closer look the science behind Overwatch to make sure no mistakes we’re being makde.

There were some pretty shocking findings…

What are the servings like?


With only one a day of 2 capsules, Overwatch denies your hormones that constant top-up they require for the best results – and leaves them unsupported for around 24 hours at time, which allows them to return to their baseline levels.

What you should be looking for:

Ideally you want a Test booster that has around 3 – 4 servings a day. This ensures that you’re constantly supplied with the nutrients you need to raise those testosterone levels.

How are the ingredients in Overwatch?


On the whole we were pretty disappointed with the choices made in Overwatch. To sum things up there were too few and under-dosed.

Take a look at what we found:

Overwatch Contains:

Tribulus Fruit – 600mg
D-Aspartic Acid – 500mg
Indole-3-Carbinol & DIM – 105mg

Tribulus Fruit

This is one of the worst nutrients when it comes to boosting testosterone, and is little more than just clever marketing.

Tribulus was once believed to be a reliable testosterone booster, but this was before it was clinically tested. Results have shown that the only effect Trib has in humans is a minor boost in libido – the rest it falls short.

It’s a waste in Overwatch.

D-Aspartic Acid

This is a lot better choice for boosting Testosterone. DAA has been linked to increasing the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body which is the precursor to both testosterone and growth hormone.

The only drawback with this is the amount required. Typically you need around 1500mg or more to see any real results – and Overwatch only contains around 500mg per serving.

Indole-3-Carbinol & DIM blend

These are nutrients that have both been thought to work as aromatase inhibitors (estrogen suppressants) and can be found in greens like broccoli.

However, there is very little evidence for them having the desired effect. And results have been typically unreliable. It’s definitely not one of the best nutrients out there.overwatch-testosterone-booster-main-image

Overall, you’re not going to get very far with only 3 ingredients in your Testosterone Booster. Especially if their as under-dosed or as ineffective as some of the ones in Overwatch.

To see what you should be looking for, check out our top nutrients in the link below:

Top Ingredients for T-Boosters

Side Effects

There have been no side effects reported with this product.

Is there anything better out there?


We’ve taken a look at the top testosterone boosters on the market that:

  • Boost Testosterone Levels
  • Increase Free Testosterone
  • Raise Libido
  • Improve Muscle Tone
  • Cut Fat

And we’ve narrowed it down to only a few. If you want to see which T-boosters are going to give you the best results, check them out in our our top choices below:

Our Top T-Boosters

Overwatch Review Conclusion

On the whole this is a pretty ineffective testosterone booster and there are few reasons why, check it out:

  • Ineffective Ingredients  The only nutrient in Overwatch linked to effectively boosting Testosterone is D-Aspartic Acid
  • Under-dosed – All the ingredients in this product are way below the dosage that the studies on them have recommended
  • Poor Servings – With only one a day it’s going to be difficult to see an effective rise in your testosterone levels.

If you want to see what we’re using at the moment click below for more details:

What we're using at the moment - Prime Male

We've been using Prime Male for the last few months and declared it the #1 Testosterone Booster for Low T

It contains all the top testosterone boosting nutrients and is generously dosed.

Read our full review below

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On Point Supplements Overwatch
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