How Testosterone Works

Before we are born, we have testosterone.

Yes, just seven weeks after we are conceived our bodies begin to produce testosterone. It’s a vital hormone that has an impact on us every day, regardless of our T-Level.

In this brief article, I’ll explain how testosterone works throughout our whole body and the duties it carries out in our various systems to make us the men we grew up to be.

As mentioned earlier, testosterone starts to blossom in our bodies even before we are two months old. From this point our testosterone levels continue to rise more rapidly, growing at its fastest during puberty and reaching it’s peak at our late teens. From there, we enjoy that height of manliness well into our twenties.

Like all good things, however, they come to an end.

Usually just after hitting 30, the body slowly starts to produce less testosterone, approximately 1% a year.

The main areas that are affected, are those that deal with testosterone the most, and those are your:

  • Brain
  • Bloodstream
  • Reproductive System
  • Hair
  • Body Structure

The Brain

The Endocrine System

Imagine the Endocrine System as a huge enterprise of offices and factories that deal in making testosterone.

It all starts with the CEO, your Hypothalamus, monitoring the numbers and making sure there’s a steady supply of testosterone for his customer – you.

When it’s time to make more testosterone, the Hypothalamus passes on his requests to the factory manager, your Pituitary Gland.

Taking the instructions on board, the Pituitary Gland sends the messages down to the factories, the testicles and the adrenal glands, telling them to start producing more testosterone. The majority of the product comes from the testicles with a portion of it coming from the adrenal glands. The product is delivered to the customer conveniently through the bloodstream.

A similar process occurs in females using their adrenal glands and ovaries, however not nearly as much is produced.

The Results

Testosterone is a powerful thing. It’s a part of our personality, and partly who we are. Those with higher testosterone have a very different experience when it comes to aggression and dominance when compared to those who don’t.

Interestingly, testosterone can be boosted by how we interact with others. For example, taking part in a competition can affect testosterone levels, causing them to rise and fall depending on performance.

Testosterone levels have also been recorded to play a part in self-esteem, with those having higher testosterone statistically having a more self-worth than others with lower levels.

Low testosterone can also cause a lack of competitiveness, sadness and a general feel of a loss of motivation. It can also lead to a lack of sleep and lower levels of energy. It is important that if you’re suffering from any of these symptoms to consider making an effort to raise your t-count.

The Bloodstream

Circulatory System

The only true way to measure testosterone is through a blood sample. This testosterone’s main transport throughout the body and the best way to find an exact T-Level.

Testosterone and the blood are very closely intertwined, testosterone can encourage the production of red blood cells by working with the body’s bone marrow. At healthy levels this has a very positive effect on the heart.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy can sometimes do more harm than good in this department creating a surplus, and unfortunately, sometimes leading to a blood clots and raised cholesterol. This is most common when injecting testosterone.

The Reproductive System


The driving force, and one of testosterone’s most notable feature is sex drive. As testosterone is produced mainly in the testes, there seems to be a lot of truth to this.

Males that begin to experience lower testosterone, start to feel other changes as well. In terms of sexuality, erectile dysfunction is the main symptom – that said, if this is caught early it can be delayed by increased sexual stimulation and activity, which can raise T levels. Inactivity is the worst thing you can do at this point.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy is another avenue that can be used to rectify this problem, but be warned – side affects may include an enlarge prostate and smaller, softer testicles.

The Hair

During puberty, testosterone grows hair across a male’s body – mainly the face, armpits and genitals. More hair may also grow across the chest, arms and legs, however it’s thickness varies from male to male.

Take note

Men suffering from lower testosterone may notice a decrease in hair in these areas, and testosterone cream can be applied to recover some of the losses. If you are using using such creams, use extreme care and caution, as testosterone can be transferred through skin-to-skin contact.

The Body’s Structure


Increasing neurotransmitters, testosterone encourages tissue growth. This makes testosterone especially valuable when looking into gaining strength and muscle.

Nuclear receptors in the the body are also effected by Testosterone which causes protein synthesis, which is key to building muscle. It is also in charge of growth hormone in the body which dictates the levels of which the body grows muscle.

Fat & Bones

As mentioned earlier Testosterone is key to the production of red blood cells through reacting with the body’s bone marrow. However, testosterone is also responsible for the bone density in the body, protecting it from breaks and fractures.

In terms of fat, testosterone is key in the regulating the metabolic rate of fat produced. It’s a great help for keeping the body lean and burning fat more efficiently. However, when testosterone levels begin to drop, this process becomes less effective and men naturally begin to store more fat than usual.


Keep things regular

Testosterone is a vital hormone in the body and is necessary for numerous functions and processes to keep men, men.

We’ve also seen, the side effects that can be associated with Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

So far the safest solution we’ve come across to keep testosterone at optimum levels has been natural testosterone boosters. They are full of natural ingredients that promote testosterone production without the side effects.

Click below to see our
– Top 5 Testosterone Boosters –