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DEVELOPT TestBoost Review

A product by DevelopT

Positives Negatives
  • Contains *some* good ingredients
  • Poor Servings
  • Under-dosed
  • Some Ineffective Ingredients

Review Overview – What does DevelopT’s TestBoost do?

A natural testosterone booster by DevelopT, TestBoost is claimed to:

  • Boost Testosterone
  • Increase Strength and Muscle
  • Support Energy and Libido

But how well does it really do this?

We’ve taken a close look at this product and the ingredients that go into it.

This review will tell you if TestBoost is really worth your time:

How are the servings?


With only one serving a day, there’s only so much to be gained from taking a supplement like TestBoost.

For the best results, Testosterone levels need a constant supply of nutrients to keep them constantly on the rise.

Ideally you need 3 – 4 servings to achieve this, and anything less may lead to slow progress.

P.S.: You can see the top testosterone boosters with the best servings and ingredients by checking out our ‘Most Recommended’ below:

Most Recommended Testosterone Boosters

What about the ingredients in DevelopT’s TestBoost?

They’re okay, there’s just one problem.

Although there are some great choices in DevelopT’s TestBoost, the issue is that they are under-dosed.

Many of them seem to be chosen because of the successful studies behind them without considering the dosage.

There’s also a few ineffective ingredients too. It’s a good mix, but not the best:

Vitamin D3

One of the core testosterone boosting vitamins. Technically a hormone, this vitamin is directly absorbed through our skin via sunlight.

It is one of the strongest natural sources for testosterone.

However it may be underdosed in this product, you need at least 3000 IUs to see effective results.


This mineral is perfect for boosting testosterone.

Used in the brain to produce more of the Luteinizing hormone, zinc helps create the precursor of both testosterone and growth hormone.

D-Aspartic Acid

Like zinc, this amino acid is used in the brain to create more of the luteinizing hormone.

However, it seems underdosed in TestBoost. With studies reporting 1500mg or higher for effective results, the 100mg serving in this product won’t do much good.


Again unfortunately under-dosed.

Mainly effective at doses between 500 – 2500mg, L-Carnintine usually helps improve both metabolism and energy levels.

The 100mg dose here isn’t going to do much.

Maca Root

A Peruvian root that is linked to increasing libido, unfortunately however, there are no studies that show it improves testosterone.

Tribulus Terrestis

One of the worst testosterone boosters on the market.

Originally thought to be effective at boosting testosterone through some clever marketing, the reality is far different.

There have been no reliable studies to confirm Trib raises T levels.

Panax Ginseng

A libido enhancer with free testosterone boosting properties.

By regulating blood sugar this strain of ginseng has been seen to lower levels of the protein Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which binds to testosterone and strips it of its anabolic potency.

Helping more testosterone to flow through your system.


Works in similar ways to ginseng, but more geared towards libido.


A herb originally thought to raise testosterone like Tribulus. Studies have shown this is not the case.

LongJack may however in some cases boost libido.

Stinging Nettle

A nutrient that directly inhibits SHBG, this like Ginseng and Fenugreek, also helps raise Free Testosterone.

On the whole the nutrient profile is good, there’s a few ineffective ingredients in there like Tribulus and LongJack but we’ve definitely seen worse.

The main problem with TestBoost is how under-dosed it is. In some places it’s only a fraction of what your body actually needs to increase testosterone, and that renders it mostly ineffective in some areas.

To see what you should be looking for in a testosterone booster click the link below to learn more:

Best Testosterone Booster Ingredients

Side Effects

No side effects have been reported with this product.

Is there anything better out there?


We’ve done the research and compiled a shortlist of the best testosterone boosters that:

  • Produce Testosterone
  • Promote Free Testosterone
  • Enhance Sex Drive
  • Boost Muscle Mass and Fat Loss
  • Improve Energy Levels

And we finally have the best of the best. To see what we recommend, and what our readers have had the most success with, click the link below to learn more:

Most Recommended Testosterone Boosters

DevelopT TestBoost Review Conclusion

Overall there’s mixed feedback for this testosterone booster.

If you’re considering buying TestBoost, this is what you need to know:

  • Poor Servings – Only 1 a day, not effective for continually boosting testosterone
  • Under-Dosed – Some nutrients nowhere near at the quantity they need to be for making a difference
  • Some ineffective ingredients – Some nutrients not supported by clinical studies

As you can see, this isn’t your best option.

To see what our readers have had the most success with, check out our current highest rated testosterone booster in the link below:

What we're using at the moment - Prime Male

We've been using Prime Male for the last few months and declared it the #1 Testosterone Booster for Low T

It contains all the top testosterone boosting nutrients and is generously dosed.

Read our full review below

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Dr. S. Marchant: