Cavalier Testosterone Support Review

A product by Cavalier

Positives Negatives
  • May help boost libido
  • Proprietary Blends
  • Poor Servings
  • Missing Core Ingredients

Review Overview – What does Cavalier Testosterone Support do?

cavalier-reviewCavalier’s Gentleman’s Product: Daily Testosterone Support is a testosterone booster on the market that claims to have an exclusively tailored formula to raise testosterone and increase vitality.

Although it has a sleek design, we have to say right now that we weren’t impressed with this supplement.

It was definitely style over substance.

With phrases like ‘For Gentlemen of High Distinction’ instead of actually stating the benefits or how the product works, it’s clear that this a product that is taking advantage of the less informed side of the market.

Here’s what we found:

How does Cavalier Testosterone Support work?

In terms of servings, this testosterone booster from Cavalier has an OK schedule, but it’s not the best.

With one serving at the start of the day and another at the end, it leaves quite a wide window throughout the day for testosterone levels to drop back down.

The optimum amount of servings that you should be looking for are around 3 – 4 a day.

As for the ingredients, there’s not many at all.

With only three ingredients, and none of them core T-boosters, this is what you can expect from supplementing Cavalier’s Testosterone booster:


This is a herb that doesn’t directly boost testosterone, but can help make it rise with it’s ability to lower the stress hormone cortisol.

Cortisol is the hormone caused directly by stress and interferes with testosterone production. The less of it in your blood stream the better, and the higher you testosterone levels will be.

Agaricus Bisporus

This is the fancy term for White Button Mushrooms, the only real benefit of this nutrient is the fact that it contains Vitamin D – which is vital for testosterone production.

However, this only makes up 1% of the fungus. It will have very little effect on your T-levels.

Eurycoma Longifolia

This is another type of herb that was thought to boost testosterone, unfortunately this is not the case.

Also know as Longjack, EL doesn’t boost T-Levels but does have some good studies behind it when it comes to boosting libido.

Full List:cavalier

As you can see it’s a very thin list of ingredients, and won’t be doing anything for your test levels any time soon.

Also they’re all wrapped in a proprietary blend – meaning we don’t know how much of each ingredient is actually being used – which questions the little effect that it may have.

None of the core T-Boosting ingredients have been used here, although it may help boost libido.

If you want to see the types of ingredients you should be looking for, check them out in the link below:

Click Here for Our Top Choices for T Booster Ingredients!

-Complete with clinical studies and their functions against Low T-

Are there any Side Effects?

No side effects have been reported, this is nothing more than a weak Testosterone booster.

Is there anything better out there?

Definitely. It’s a big market, and plenty of boosters out there have got it right, unlike this one.

These are boosters that have:

  • Good serving schedules
  • Core ingredients
  • Testosterone Boosting and Promoting Properties
  • Estrogen Blockers

We’ve narrowed down the list and linked the highest rated ones on the market in the link below:

-Click Here to See Our Top Natural Testosterone Boosters-

Cavalier Testosterone Support Review

Overall this product from Cavalier is nowhere near what we’re looking for in a testosterone booster.

The first problem are the servings. With only 2 a day, your body doesn’t have enough of a constant supply of nutrients to keep testosterone levels on the rise. For the best results you need about 3 – 4 servings a day.

The major problem however are the ingredients, and the lack of them. 

Cavalier’s product only contains 3 ingredients and neither of them have any real potential to dramatically boost testosterone. It’s definitely not what you should be looking for.

If you want to see the top rated products on the market, we strongly suggest you click the box below and find the testosterone booster best for you:

What we're using at the moment - Prime Male

We've been using Prime Male for the last few months and declared it the #1 Testosterone Booster for Low T

It contains all the top testosterone boosting nutrients and is generously dosed.

Read our full review below

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Cavalier Testosterone Support
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