African Wild Naturals ZuluTEST Review

A product by African Wild Naturals LLC2-stars

Positives Negatives
  • May boost libido
  • Proprietary Blends
  • No human studies
  • Under-dosed

Review Overview – What does ZuluTEST do?

zulutest-reviewZuluTest is a testosterone booster that is compiled purely out of African herbs and nutrients, or ‘warrior herbs’ as African Wild Naturals calls them.

It claims to:

  • Boost Muscle
  • Improve Strength
  • Reduce Fat
  • Improve Energy and Mood

Essentially the benefits you’d receive from more testosterone.

But how effective is it really?

Not a lot of supplement companies use African Herbs, and usually for good reason. Fadogia Agrestis is a good example of this, as it got phased out over the concerns of it being toxic.

This is what we found with ZuluTEST:

How are the servings?


With 2 – 3 servings a day, ZuluTEST can give your body a constant supply of nutrients. If the ingredients are effective that means it will help your body boost testosterone efficiently with it always being ‘topped up’. However, this is only if you’re taking 3 servings a day.

The best T-boosters out there have around 3 – 4 servings per day, this ensures you’re always getting a constant supply of the nutrients you need to boost testosterone.

P.S.: You can see the booster that do this the best in the link below:

Top T-Boosters

What about the ingredients in ZuluTEST?

Verdict: Poor

There are 3 main problems with ZuluTEST that we’ve spotted when it comes to the ingredients, here’s what we’ve found:

  • Proprietary Blend – We have no idea how much of each ingredient is being used in this product
  • Ineffective Ingredients – None of the nutrients have any clinical trials backing them to help human subjects
  • Side Effects – Some of the nutrients in this product have been linked to toxic organ damage

It was really to see, here’s what we found in full:zulutest-supplement-facts

Bulbine Natalensis (Ibhucu)

Originally a traditional African aphrodisiac, and may help boost testosterone, but there is a downside.

The only studies carried out on Bulbine Natalensis have only been on rats, with it showing to increase testosterone, but also to do the same organ damage as a steroid cycle.

That said you need around 50mg/kg body weight of this herb to get the full effects – which may not be in this proprietary blend.

Massularia Accuminata (Pako Ijebu)

Another herb that has only been seen to increase testosterone in high doses – although the only tests that show this are on animals.

On top of this, the dosage has to be high, with 1000mg/Kg body weight showing the best results. Studies have shown that it may also cause liver toxicity.

Mondia Whitei (Umondi)

An African flower that may help with stimulating appetite and digestion, it was even used in Zimbabwe traditionally to treat anorexia.

However, there has been no scientific evidence to back up this herbs functions, or the any links to testosterone boosting.

Typha Capensis (Zulu Love Root)

Traditionally used libido enhancer in Africa. Again, there have been no studies to confirm it’s effect, and it’s dramatically under-researched.

There has been no proof for it boosting testosterone levels.

Eriosema Kraussianum (Bagalala)

Like the love root, this is another traditional African remedy that’s claimed to help with libido, but not much else. It’s usually mixed into a tonic with milk.

Unfortunately, there’s no evidence of this herb helping with testosterone.zulutest-main-image

Overall, there is essentially no clinical evidence available that shows that ZuluTEST works on humans. To make matters worse, there’s also a chance of organ damage given the overall toxicity of the ingredients!

– Our Top Testosterone Nutrients –

-Complete with clinical studies and their functions against Low T-

Are there any side effects?


Although there’s no clear evidence of the ingredients in this product working, there have been several reports of the Bulbine and the Massularia causing toxic organ damage to the animals involved in the studies.

And as you have to take Testosterone boosters for a few months for the effects to kick in, you’re at a much higher risk.

Is there anything better out there?


We’ve done a lot of research into testosterone boosters, and we know what works and what doesn’t.

We’ve compiled a list of the best ones that:

  • Boost testosterone
  • Help cut fat
  • Increase libido
  • Improve energy
  • Enhance mental focus

These are the T-boosters that contain all the right ingredients and have no side effects. You can find out more about them below:

Our Top Testosterone Boosters

African Wild Naturals ZuluTEST Review Conclusion

Overall, this is a pretty risky supplement to take if you’re looking to raise testosterone levels.

The main concern here are the ingredients they’ve chosen, although it keeps to the authentic roots of the African Bushmen, it can potentially cause problems with toxicity.

Here’s our take:

  • Proprietary Blends – ZuluTEST has hidden the dosages of the ingredients used, so we don’t know how effective it is overall
  • Side Effects – Two of the main ingredients in this product have been linked to toxic concerns and organ damage
  • Under-dosed – Some of the ingredients have shown to require a lot more (in studies) than what could possibly be in this blend (e.g. Pako Ijebu requires 1000mg/kg body weight)
  • No human studies – We couldn’t find any human studies on any of these ingredients

On the whole we suggest you don’t take the risk – there are far better options out there if you’re looking to raise testosterone levels.

You can see our top choice at the moment below:

What we're using at the moment - Prime Male

We've been using Prime Male for the last few months and declared it the #1 Testosterone Booster for Low T

It contains all the top testosterone boosting nutrients and is generously dosed.

Read our full review below

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African Wild Naturals ZuluTEST
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